Sunday 27 March 2011

Austria 2010: Day 2 - Wien

Monday 16th August 2010.

Awake far too early, but then again sometimes that can be a bonus, On this occasion it was ... tiring. Down in the Kraml they have such a wonderful selection for breakfast (Frühstück) and David made the most of it with repeatedly visiting the breakfast bar and eating as much as he could! Kayleigh managed the learn some German "ein Apfelsaft bitte" which is "And apple juice please". In fact that was her first German and the one thing she used the most!

Walking up from the Kraml, we headed for the U-Bahn on line U3 to Volkstheatre then the U4 line to Praterstern. the to the world famous Prater. As kids are, ours wanted to go on everything they saw, but we took them round first to see what they wanted to REALLY do! Before we let them have their rides, we took them on the Prater Wheel (Riesenrad). It was featured in the 1949 film 'The Third Man' starring Orsen Wells. The wheel takes some time to complete a full circuit and is ornate and classic (or old as kids call it now). After plenty of oohhhs and ahhs from Kayleigh, we alighted and made our way round the huge funfair.

Of course Kayleigh found what she dreamed of The Horse Riding arena. She took to it so naturally and was not in the least scared. In fact the other children we had seen were all given extra straps, but Kay was allowed not to. (see the photo). Usually I worry about the state of the horses at this sort of place, but these were very well cared for and seemed pretty happy. After a few rounds of the arena, the dismounted and we looked for something for David to do. Go Karts was his choice and he and I queued together but no... Denied! Too short apparently. So the hunt was on for another one, round the corner was another set of karts and off we went. He did well and came second out of two! LOL. On to the next ride which happened to be a "fun House". Sarah and I grabbed a seat and David being the loving brother he is took her round it 'For Safetly' he said! Then on to The Bash Cars! aka Dodgems. Kayleigh joined me and I was instructed to "get David"!!!!!

We headed to one of the Schnell Imbiss in the Prater and a couple of Frankfurters each and a beer :) went down well. Following the food we alked round and jumped on the Lilliputbahn that runs up to the Stadion and back again. After catching the U-bahn back to Westbahnhof to look up the trains to Salzburg we sought out evening meal and then decided an early night would be in order.

Tuesday would be the last day for our Weinkarte so we wanted to use it some more.

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