Friday 23 April 2010

Kelsey Park, Beckenham (5th April 2010)

On Monday 5th April 2010 (Easter Monday) we needed to get out. The say before my wife had been pretty ill with a stomach bug
and needed to get out and get some fresh air. Someone had mentioned Kelsey Park over in Beckenham a while ago but
like most things in life we had managed to forget or just plain do something else. So it was decided that we would all
take our cameras to see what we could see.

On the internet Kelsey Park is well covered by 'The Friend's Of Kelsey Park (FOKP) There are some nice little leaflets on their wildfowl, Wildlife and Tress etc. Even a kids leaflet on 'what birds can
I see' so they can tick off if they see them.

Taking off in the car we found Kelsey Park quite easily. The FOKP website has maps and directions there. We managed to park on Manor Way which just off Beckenham High Street, and got ready to go. Batteries in Cameras, Warm coats and leaflets and pencil for Little Miss T. There is an old lodge style building at the North and in front is a small bridge which we crossed and walked south. The path is well kept and Dogs are (sadly) allowed off leads. We walked down to the first small waterfall that is pretty much obscured by the bushes and trees, but taking the little bridge over and turning left there were a few Mallard Ducks on one side. Through the gate (to the area where Dogs must be on a lead) and we followed the lake line South.

There is a notice (actually there are a few about) regarding the feeding of the webbed feeted flyers ... Apparently White bread is not good for them (everyone say awwwww). Wholemeal bread is better for them ... Lightly Toasted daffy and would you like some butter?

It's not far along until you come to the main waterfall. Admittedly it is only about 15 feet height, but from the little wooden bridge it is lovely in a busy bustling world. We spent a good ten minutes here (Junior and I competing to take the best milky effect shot of the water) and when we moved on, there sitting on a fence nibble on a nut was a squirrel.

I have to put this in here, Squirrels are considered vermin by many people, kids love them, as does my wife and camera. I think they make great subjects for a picture, and they certainly hone your skills at taking photos on the move!

Little Miss T spied the Ice cream van, so that was the next port of call. Camera, Cider Lolly and Little Miss’s camera in hand we strolled along the lake. Here is where you will see most of the Ducks and Herons etc. In the middle of the main lake is Heron Island, aptly named due to the large numbers of Herons nest on there. These large birds really do make a spectacular sight when in flight (see the photo below). Continuing on we came to the 'Rose Garden, which in summer, is probably lovely, at the moment it's pretty much bare!

A bit further on is a small weir but this is just too close to the bridge so that it makes for less of a photo, but the other side of the is the kids playground ... Yep in they went and were everywhere.

After sometime we left can carried on walking North head back along the other side from which we came. a little way up a squirrel (or two) were rather pleased with the nuts we had brought and posed nicely for the camera. Luckily Squirrel's don't have agents.

We came across Heron Island which is closer this side, The good lady wife wanted to have a few minutes to take some shots, but the foliage is pretty dense and getting a good shot is not easy. (this is the best I could get )

We headed up to where the waterfall is and passed by this to a bench. The little information portakabin is filled with some lovely things and you really should pay a visit there. I bought some nice information cards in colour of birds, butterflies etc. so the kids can use them. It's staffed by volunteers and the two ladies in there that day were very nice and helpful.

Then it was back to the car.

Can I recommend Kelsey Park to people? I sure can.

If you want a quiet walk - It's lovely.
If you want to go on a photo shoot - Perfect.
If you want the kids to get close to nature - Ideal.

Kelsey Park - Defiantly one to revisit in the summer when the flowers (especially the roses) are in bloom. I might even take a spin over there next winter and see what it's like with snow.

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