Friday 5 November 2010

Austria 2010: Day 1 - Wien

Hello Austria, Hello Vienna.

Sunday 15th August 2010.

We came down for breakfast and Kayleigh's eyes almost popped out of her head! She took one look at the Meats, Rolls, Apfelsaft, yoghurt, breads and pickles and fell in love with Austrian Breakfasts. David had been before, but he was only 2 ½ so this was also a new experience. After his five trips to the food bar, he finally gave up and we were allowed to start off on our day trips.

Walking down Mariahilfer Straße we arrived at the Burgring and the Burg Garten where there is a statue of Mozart. We walked round the garden and round to Albertini Platz, and bought ourselves the Wien Karte and it was well worth the price. Round the corner from the Albatini Platz is Kärtner
Straße. This is a lovely road that has the high end shops on it, but it also has
Stephansdom, the main Cathedral of Vienna. We all went inside and The children lit a candle for my Dad, Erich Thaler who was killed in 1990. The sun was shining and we wanted to make the most of our day. Sarah suggested to go out of town a little and visit the beautiful and picturesque Schloss Schönbrunn. We took the U-Bahn there, and it was a short walk from the station to the Palace. The Schloss is stunning and the inside is beautiful, but with the children we haven't ventured round it yet. Maybe one day.

The gardens were alive with the smell of the colourful flowers, the throng of tourists and the chatter and shouting of children enjoying the space to run in. Oh No! you may think, how loud! How dreadful! But it wasn't. It sort of fitted perfectly. Along the path towards the main water feature and both Kayleigh and David thought it was lovely, we walked round and up behind it (see the photo here) and snapped a few shots from up here too.

Then we walked up to the Gloriette. It was hot, it was steep but it was fun. At the top, Sarah got the ice creams in :)

After leaving the Schloss Schönbrunn we wanted to do more. so the U-Bhan back to Karlsplatz and jumped onto a #2 tram that takes you round the ring to get the views of the lovely buildings. We changed on to a #1 and continued round the ring.

On the way up Mariahilfer Straße we grabbed a McDonalds, and then it was a slow walk up to the Kraml and a well earned rest.

Day 2 coming soon.